Monday, February 2, 2009

Yep, Just another day...

Thanks Kurt for not passing the ball enough yesterday. Fitzgerald was awesome when you threw it to him. You just should have threw it more. should have thanked God in your post game interview - you would have if you won, you should still have when you lost. God is with us regardless if we win or lose. Tom (Leykis) was all over you because you did not give it up, win or lose. He was spouting all sorts of anti-Christian rhetoric on his radio show. True, it is not your fault what Tom's subject of the day is, but it would have been great for him to have said that you gave it up to God even though your team lost.

No, I do not think you should retire, but in the off season you need to work on getting your passing confidence back. Work with your receivers, they can get the job done after you throw it to them.

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