Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's been so long...

Yeah, I'm on it. With it. On top of it. I didn't realize that it had been so long since my last posting. Well, I have been promoted. Yes, ladies and gentlemen (you are out there aren't you?).

I have gone from being chronically unemployed to under-employed. So there has been progress in my employment history. Now If I could just land that opportunity....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


1. Ideal amount of sex per week?

2. Ever had an online affair?

3. Are you a member of the mile high club?
No, don't like flying.

4. Are you predjudice against any particular group of people?
Yes, rude and inconsiderate ones.

5. What constitutes bad sex?
When either partner does not want to have sex, but does anyway. It's gets pretty obvious about half way through the session, and then when you or your partner says "just get it over with." (And yes, I have stepped up to the plate, and let her just get off on me. Sometimes I am just not in the mood, but I do not want her to go without getting off)

Bonus: Can females ejaculate?
Yes. I love to watch her when she cums and when she is on top, she cums all over me.

Hey female readers, can you do this? If so leave a comment.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jay O'Brien

What is up with the KNBC issue with programming? Jay Leno's 10pm show just is not doing well in the ratings. So to appease the affiliate stations, the "broadcaster" has to make choices. Just as the choice to put The Jay Leno Show at 10pm, KNBC can move the show to another time slot. It just happens to be the same time slot that Conan O'Brien has. It has become obvious that at KNBC, aka Jeff Zucker, that Jay is the favored child in the battle of late night programing. Funny it just happens to be within the same broadcaster family. Truely, it is not Jay's fault as he is technically an employee of KNBC, and is bound to his contract. Conan, now being shown he is the ugly step-child of KNBC's late night programing, is being moved to follow Jay, the host he is replacing. It appears to me that Conan's once loyal audience did not follow him to the new show and time. So instead of Conan being allowed to build his audience, KNBC will pit Jay and Conan against each other in a incestuous gladiator match. Conan should be the champion pitted against David on KCBS and run the battle that way. Current choices will only ruin KNBC's late night programming and allow David to gain audience share.

Now on the brighter side, Craig Ferguson. He is so hilarious. Wish he was on earlier. Just give him time, he'll become the king of late night.

Jay's show did not make the rating as expected, so what do you do with him? Conan's show did not build the audience as expected. So you keep both, or lose both?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Would you rather.....

1. Have eyes that always smile or a voice that makes people calm?
Have eyes that always smile. I love eyes that smile.
I have been told my voice is calming, so I am covered there.

2. Have an affair and your partner catches you or your partner have an affair and you catch him/her?

3. Have better sex or more money?
More money - I can practice to have better sex, but I cannot practice to get more money.
No, winning the lotto does not count

4. Be able to read everyone’s mind all the time or always know the future?
Read everyone's mind. I would love to know what the other person actually is thinking when I am talking with them. Not to mention, when I am making love, it would be great to know if I am doing it right. Sometimes I do know, other times I am told I was good, but not so sure it was that good.

5. Your partner have sex with someone else or fall in love with someone else?

Bonus: What one thing, big or small, would you change in your life if granted one wish by a lamp-bound genie? Why?
Get my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I just saw a job ad for a computer programmer that pays $50 - $60 per hour. That would certainly solve my issue with question #3 above.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hey my first TMI (yeah I know it's Saturday)

Would you rather.....

1. A relaxing vacation or an adventurous trip?
Adventurous trip - I love to explore, go hiking and such.

2. Get a perfect nights sleep or have amazing sex?
Have amazing sex - afterward I would be so worn out, I'd get a good nights sleep.

3. Be intimate with the lights on or off?
I'm 50/50 on this one - I love to make love in the dark, but being a visual person, I love seeing my wife as I'm doing her.

4. Your S/O be a terrible kisser who could always make you orgasm or an amazing kisser who could never make you orgasm?
Oh, orgasm every time - got to get off. We can always work on being a better kisser, practice makes perfect.

5. Date someone much younger or much older than you?
Younger - Although I'd enjoy making love to Susan Sarandon, Carrie Underwood would just blow my mind.

Bonus: Which reality show would you be good at? Why?
Pimp My Ride - I have an old classic car that needs to be restored badly. Friends of mine have said, "One day you are going to come outside and find just a pool of rust after a rain storm."

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

A new year to experience. All the fun and enjoyment awaits. So looking forward to new and exciting adventures. Let's make 2010 a year to remember.