Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hey my first TMI (yeah I know it's Saturday)

Would you rather.....

1. A relaxing vacation or an adventurous trip?
Adventurous trip - I love to explore, go hiking and such.

2. Get a perfect nights sleep or have amazing sex?
Have amazing sex - afterward I would be so worn out, I'd get a good nights sleep.

3. Be intimate with the lights on or off?
I'm 50/50 on this one - I love to make love in the dark, but being a visual person, I love seeing my wife as I'm doing her.

4. Your S/O be a terrible kisser who could always make you orgasm or an amazing kisser who could never make you orgasm?
Oh, orgasm every time - got to get off. We can always work on being a better kisser, practice makes perfect.

5. Date someone much younger or much older than you?
Younger - Although I'd enjoy making love to Susan Sarandon, Carrie Underwood would just blow my mind.

Bonus: Which reality show would you be good at? Why?
Pimp My Ride - I have an old classic car that needs to be restored badly. Friends of mine have said, "One day you are going to come outside and find just a pool of rust after a rain storm."

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